The ‘Worst’ Operators in Arknights vs Clip Cliff’s Boss Gauntlet of Pain

The ‘Worst’ Operators in Arknights vs Clip Cliff’s Boss Gauntlet of Pain

Having to get the heat vents charged in time to reduce Cliff’s damage on Eunectes was a genuine pain that Tuye really clutched with the emergency healing.
This event is also the first time I did first time clears of all its (base) stages (Gavial the Chief Returns Clears only concerned RI 7-9 as first time clears), and I haven’t even touched these stages with the main squad at all; it was a total Badknights run.
Badknights Niche Guidelines:
– Gamepress and TvTropes are both the main points of reference to see who qualifies to fit into this niche. They must either be ranked B Tier or lower on the Tier List or listed as Low-Tier Letdown on TvTropes’ page.
• TvTropes documents audience reactions via the YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) section, so the Low-Tier Letdown page is a good point of reference as to what Operators are generally considered “bad” according to the player base and by Meta standards.
• B Tier is a good dividing point, as most Operators listed on “Low-Tier Letdown” are generally on that tier, or lower.
• For clarity, it doesn’t matter whether or not the actual strength or performance of the Operator is actually good, only that they are considered “bad” by the Metagamers and the playerbase, as this niche is meant to be very “Anti-Meta”

– Operators that are listed above B Tier must otherwise be classified as Low-Tier Letdowns to qualify.
• For clarity, Operators can either fall into B Tier, Low-Tier Letdown, or both.

– Operators under B Tier marked with a red border on Gamepress’ Tier List, meaning they are considered worthy low rarity investments equally as good as higher rarity units, and are essentially “Meta by Technicality,” are disqualified.
• Kroos, Melantha, Ansel, Midnight, Courier ❌️

– No using 6-Star Operators, who are generally ranked A- or higher on Gamepress unless they are explicitly listed as Low-Tier Letdown on TvTropes.
• Rosmontis, Ho’olheyak, Ebenholz, Hellagur, Archetto, Shining, Viviana ✅️

– Operator archetypes (such as AoE Caster, Phalanx Caster, Instructor Guard, Duelist Guard) directly listed on Low-Tier Letdown’s page can have its Operators who belong in those subclasses “Low-Tier Letdown by Technicality” UNLESS they are stated as “exceptions”.
• Lava the Purgatory, Mint, Whislash, Jackie, Indigo, Utage ✅️
• Nearl the Radiant Knight, Hoederer, Gitano, Silence the Paradigmatic, Mousse, Amiya (Guard), Rathalos S Noir Corne, Zuo Le ❌️

– If an Operator is listed on Arknights’ “Game Breaker” page on TvTropes they are disqualified regardless of other factors.

– Operators listed on “Former Game-Breakers who have fallen off the Meta” do not count for this niche. While they technically are “Not-Meta” anymore, they must be regarded as “mediocre” or “bad” Operators to actually qualify, UNLESS they belong to an Operator archetype (Phalanx Caster, Brawler Guard) listed on Low-Tier Letdown (making them qualify by technicality), or have been directly moved to the Low-Tier Letdown page.
• Angelina, Blaze, Schwarz, Nian ❌️
• Carnelian, Hellagur, Siege ✅️

– Operators listed under “Former Letdowns who have ascended from bottom tier” are not allowed as they are no longer considered bad Operators UNLESS they are NOT used in the method that got them out of the Low-Tier.
• Amiya (No Skill 3) ✅️
• Ch’en, Passenger, Mostima, Leizi, Skadi, Chain Casters (No Modules) ✅️
• Lappland (No Silencing Enemies; if there’s a single enemy with a silenceable ability on that stage, Lappland cannot be used on it) ✅️

– No Modules, as they are mainly the reason why several “bad Operators” are buffed to where they are no longer deemed “mediocre,” and are also what make several “Meta Units” be considered “good” (i.e: Executor the Ex Foedere, Ethan). This would also make the aforementioned Operators without their Modules “Low-Tier Letdown by Technicality”
Full List of Elgible Operators for Badknights:
0:00 CV-1
1:54 CV-2
3:32 CV-3
5:28 CV-4
7:19 CV-5
9:41 CV-6
12:15 CV-7
14:52 CV-8

Sieged Sanctum (Sonic) – Sonic Rush 3

Methods of Madness – Omega Strikers

Shambhala (Area 17 Redux) (Rain) – Fire Emblem Three Houses

Westopolis – Shadow the Hedgehog

Red Sun – Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

#arknights #명일방주 #アークナイツ #明日方舟


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