【Arknights】Leap of Faith

【Arknights】Leap of Faith

#Arknights #明日方舟 #アークナイツ #gacha #anime #animation #动画 #shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsvideo #short #passenger #rhinelabs #muelsyse #mumu #irene #liskarm #franka

Liskarm and Franka but they are in Sargon and are doing a leap of faith. Surprisingly despite Liskarm and Franka being one of the more popular duos I have never translated a video featuring either of them. There are videos that feature both of them, it’s just that I’ve never translated them. I don’t really know why. If you guys like these types of videos I’ll go translate more of them in the future.

Some of the text had to be repositioned excessively to prevent the cropping issues inherent with YouTube shorts. The “censorship” you with some of the gifs are in the original video, they are not from me and as such I cannot remove them. They are probably there for BiliBili guideline reasons. If you find this too distracting I will ask the original creator for an uncensored version.


Original Video Title: 安全空降

Original Video Uploader (reuploaded with permission): 东霓塔姆 https://space.bilibili.com/558186

Original Video Link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Be411U7XZ


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