【Arknights】Bigger Better Stronger

【Arknights】Bigger Better Stronger

#Arknights #明日方舟 #アークナイツ #gacha #anime #animation #动画 #shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsvideo #short #passenger #rhinelabs #muelsyse #mumu #irene #skadi #specter #seaborn #aegir #eureka #kirara #kiara

Eureka and Kirara gaming. According to lore Kirara is a massive gamer who is “forbidden” from using videogame consoles during mission. I guess they’re trading blows in the game they’re playing.

By the way the artist seems to have recently changed artstyles, adding additional effects to the videos. There’s also motion and movement to the videos now. Also, I can definitely see why Hoederer is a fan of Eureka. I am now a fan of her after this as well.

Some parts modified.


Original Video Title: 玩的菜也不是我的错啊

Original Video Uploader (reuploaded with permission): 东霓塔姆 https://space.bilibili.com/558186

Original Video Link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1re411m7p2


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