【Arknights】Kal’tsit’s Maid Outfit

【Arknights】Kal’tsit’s Maid Outfit

#Arknights #明日方舟 #アークナイツ #gacha #kaltsit #anime #animation #动画 #shorts #goldenglow #澄闪 #texas #kaltsit #newyear #amiya #dokutah #endfield #arknightsendfield

Wholesome Arknights video where the gang gets together and takes a group photo together. Yes I know the timing isn’t perfect. This video was published one day before the new year so I was late by a few days. I will try to catch up and translate more videos in the future.

Kal’tsit may have misunderstood with the maid outfit but hey, nobody is perfect, and we ought to be more forgiving towards each other. Also I can’t see why anyone would complain.


Original Video Title: 一次仓促的家庭合影

Original Video Uploader (reuploaded with permission): 柠檬汽水龟

Original Video Link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15K41147Tw?p=1


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