【Arknights】| Mudrock on her way bonking in CC#12 #arknights #アークナイツ #明日方舟

【Arknights】| Mudrock on her way bonking in CC#12 #arknights #アークナイツ #明日方舟


Mudrock is using her skill 3 against the Hateful avenger boss. We use Skadi the Corrupting Heart (Skalter) to provide some healing to Mudrock and Saileach to hold the boss in place with her stun.

The clip is taken from Contingency Contract 12 Operation Basepoint – Nameless Sanctuary.

Cc12 r18
cc 12 r 18
cc 12 risk 18
cc 12 risk18

challenge 1
challenge 2
challenge 3
challenge 4
challenge 5
challenge 6
challenge 7
challenge 8

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#arknights #アークナイツ #明日方舟 #명일방주 #contingencycontract #arknightsgameplay #contingency_contract #mudrock


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