🔴【アークナイツ】ゴールデングローちゃんをお迎えする!!【Arknights / 明日方舟】

🔴【アークナイツ】ゴールデングローちゃんをお迎えする!!【Arknights / 明日方舟】






For the first time.
(1) A voice changer is used in the throat part of Android Orpico. Please be careful if you don’t like it.
2)Please try to refrain from comments that are unrelated to the content of the delivery, the topic of the moment, or me.
3) Please spoil the game content only when I say “help” because I can’t go any further.
4) Please be careful not to do any other annoying behavior.
5) I am not very good at English, so I may not be able to respond to non-Japanese comments. Thank you for your understanding. (But I’ll try to be responsive.)

オーピコツイッター https://twitter.com/allpikomin

#アークナイツ #Arknights


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