アークナイツ BGM – A Light Spark in Darkness PV Music | Arknights/明日方舟 阴云火花 OST

アークナイツ BGM – A Light Spark in Darkness PV Music | Arknights/明日方舟 阴云火花 OST

This is a loop I made using only PV sounds. I hope you enjoy my loop untill the event. If this video gets some views, I’ll make a longer version, but it’s probably not necessary. Most people don’t even read the description.

Monster Siren Records: https://monster-siren.hypergryph.com

Wallpaper: A Light Spark in Darkness official image

All rights belongs to HyperGryph/Yostar.

#Arknights​ #明日方舟​ #Soundtrack​ #アークナイツ


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