【Arknights】Siege Pillow Fight #明日方舟 #arknights

【Arknights】Siege Pillow Fight #明日方舟 #arknights

#Arknights #明日方舟 #アークナイツ #gacha #anime #animation #动画 #shorts #youtubeshorts #shortsvideo #short #passenger #rhinelabs #muelsyse #mumu #siege #arknightssiege #saber

Video where Siege beats the absolute daylights out of everyone in her gang in a friendly “pillow fight.” Imagine if she was using a Purple pillow. Would be a massacre. To be honest I would be down to have a pillow fight too with her gang. It actually seems kind of fun.

Original video had some censorship that I removed, thank me later


Original Video Title: 来玩枕头游戏

Original Video Uploader (reuploaded with permission): 东霓塔姆 https://space.bilibili.com/558186

Original Video Link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fE421u7Sr?p=1


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